Friday 17 December 2010



Hello, Sherry, perhaps there is some stuff here that Caspian can use for his Biology lessons.

It is impossible to my mind to conceive that even the so called simple organism, the living cell, could arise by a random interaction of molecules, arising by chance.

Let us look at some of the highly complex components of a typical animal cell to establish this point.  In fact in the human body alone there are several trillion cells. Each cell fulfils a specific function, making us what we are.

The nucleus, which carries hereditary information, is enclosed in a double membrane and communicates with the other components of the cell. This information, once conveyed determines the particular characteristics of the animal.
Within the nucleus is a structure called  structure the nucleolus. This also carries a great deal of genetic information and has been said to be the brain of the cell.

The centrosome is an area in both animal and plant cells. The  centrosomes play similar roles in cell division, enabling the cells to divide and multiply. In the process of division new copies of the cell are made. Imagine the complex instructions needed to carry these tasks out.
Next we come to the Golgi apparatus. This is also enclosed within a single membrane. The Golgi apparatusis responsible for modifying, packaging, and distributing proteins and other macromolecules throughout the cell. It does a better job than any transport manager in a haulage company. Components made within the cell have to be arranged and sent to the right place at the right time

The Cytoplasm  is the liquid portion inside of a cell in which other parts of the cell reside, eg, ribosomes, mitochondria.
Every production and distribution operation needs to deal with waste. This is where the Lysosomes come in. Lysosomes are the garbage disposal system of the cell. They  digest food for the cell and in the process get rid of unwanted cell material such as bacteria.

Every cell is enclosed in a membrane. The cell membrane is the outer cover of the cell. Without it the contents of the cell would spill out and be lost. This membrane is a highly sophisticated instrument. It has the ability to discriminate what should be permitted to enter the cell and prohibits essential elements from leaving the cell. Nutrient materials and gas exchanges occur so that some molecules enter and waste products leave through the cell membrane.

This is such a comprehensive filter and control device, that I cannot possibly see how it arose by chance.

Mitochondria are the power centers of the cell. They  provide the energy a cell needs to move, divide, and produce whatever substances the body needs.
 Within the cell there is also a vacuole. This is a sac enclosed in a membrane that plays a dual role in digesting materials and eliminating waste. Without it the cell would die.
How on earth would processes such as these, which seem to sense exactly what the living cell needs, possibly have arisen by chance?
Throughout the cell, especially those responsible for the production of hormones and other products, is a vast network called the endoplasmic reticulum, or ER for short. Its varied functions suggest the complexity of the cell. For example, depending on the specific cell type including the maufacture of many natural oils, fat, and steroids. They also breakdown toxins, poisons,  in liver cells, and controls the release of calcium in the contraction of muscle cells.
Ribosomes  are the sites of protein synthesis, where RNA is translated into protein. Every single operation of the living cell depends on protein. What is RNA? RNA plays a major part in helping DNA to copy and express genes, and to transport genetic material around in the cell. RNA also has a number of independent functions which are no less important. We cannot go into all that here. When cells need large numbers of proteins, they must first build numerous ribosomes. Because the manufacture of protein is so important to cells, there are large numbers of ribosomes found within the cell, often running into thousands. Without the ribosomes the message would not be read and proteins could not be produced.
Don’t forget these are packed into a cell smaller than the unaided eye can see.
If anyone can explain how blind, undirected chance can possibly produce such complexity, please let me know.
Remember each component must be in place at the same time or else we have no living cell. Without these specific functions produced simultaneously … well I’ve said enough.

Next time I shall look at plant cells.


Photo source Wikki Commons

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